Forgiveness – Doorway of Now


Forgiveness is a concept that I found a lot of people have an interesting relationship with and it’s the principle that I feel that is needed most in the world at this time.

Often what I see is people running away from unpleasant experiences or chasing after some light, running towards a projection of some thing that is “out there” in front of us. In actuality this light, or goal in a sense, is at the heart of right here and now. 

The pathway to this light is through a deepening relationship with the moment which includes every aspect of ourselves – which is literally a construct of all of our past experiences.  Through forgiveness we’re able to shift our relationship with this moment to allow all that we are – and in so doing all that has occurred – to be okay. We find all takes its rightful place and in so doing create an Inner harmony and accord where everything is perfect as it.

Through forgiveness we’re able to shift our relationship with this moment to allow all that we are – and in so doing all that has occurred – to be okay.

This is all without going into forgiving the idea of external situations. The whole idea of forgiveness needs to be shifted. We’re just allowing ourselves to be Who We Are in every aspect, thought every emotion, every feeling, allowing it all to be as it is without the internal judgment or criticism which will literally shuts down the ability to experience even more deeply this moment and the totality of who we are.

Forgiveness is not just a one-time thing and it’s done, It’s a continuous way of life. Fore-giving anything that we are holding back.  Letting ourselves flow in the authenticity of this moment. It’s a continual activity.

A lot of times the mind criticizes and judges every aspect of life which is projected onto the world. Within the judgment there’s a sense of “I know”. There is a sense of “this is good” & “this is bad”, an inner duality or polarity which keeps us in this this very superficial image of reality instead of a multi-dimensional living experience.

shining from the head to the heart

Forgiveness is this process of shifting from the mind which sees an image – a projection of some fixed sense of knowing what the world is. Instead giving forward this “knowing” to offer it unto the mystery of the moment.

Shifting from the head to the heart, from intellectual “knowing” to an experiential understanding and an intimate relationship with life, is what I consider the beginning of personal work. If we are operating in this mode of judgment and criticism,  good and bad, we’re not allowing ourselves to deeply experience the reality of this moment or to be be free to be ourselves.

Even if ourselves are a mystery – even if we don’t really have a fixed sense of “knowing”. Life becomes something very different when we allow ourselves not to know.

The mantra that was given to me in this practice of forgiveness and this shifting from the head to the heart is I forgive myself for not understanding. Using this mantra whenever we feel stuck or whenever we feel in our head – it shifts our perspective from this idea of “I know something” to the experience of the unknowable.

The more deeply that we can release this sense of “knowing”, the greater sense of unity different parts will arise.

This process requires direct experience and openness for there to be healing, for there to be a physiological somatic processing within our nervous system. Feeling and integrating the fragmented and frozen pieces of our psyche. Frozen in time these parts may keep us in emotional, psychological, or behavioral patterns that have stemmed from trauma responses, initially implemented to prevent certain intense experiences from reoccurring. Those patterns keep us locked into a fixed sense of an identity… It’s time time to let that go.

It’s time to reclaim all the pieces so they can all live together in harmony, in greater unity and wholeness with complete acceptance of who we are.

With this inner acceptance, we also accept the world around us, people as they are,  the world as it.

It’s time to reclaim all the pieces so they can all live together in harmony, in greater unity and wholeness with complete acceptance of who we are.

Embrace the now

There’s no longer a chasing after an idea of a future. There is an eternal infinite now –  an arrival. This is the destination that we seek. It’s not external it’s not “out there” it’s in here and the work begins with forgiveness.

There are many other techniques and approaches at working with the parts to reestablish inner connections and allow all the pieces to have relationship ship with each other in harmonious ways. That can be many processes in itself, however I firmly believe the beginning is forgiveness.

Forgiveness is often not the most popular or fantastical practice, but it is very real and very direct.  It gives an experience of peace here and now and an ever deepening peace as we implement it in our day-to-day – and as a way of life we learn to live with the nature of giving-forward, letting things flow and allow them to be as they are both internally and externally.